Education on Sustainability

Unfortunately, the convenience of sustainability has gone down throughout the years. People in the world go through their everyday lives without thinking much of it because it is easier to not. People should be knowledgeable about what needs to be done but faculty and staff should take some sort of responsibility on campuses. This could be through their curriculum or just the campus activity as a whole. They are able to end the continuation of tons of reusable items being thrown away and have the world be a safer and more efficient place. The idea education of recycling is not the problem. The time and how it is taught is the problem. Most college campuses have groups and organizations that focus on sustainability and recycling but it is option for people to join. Some colleges such as Seattle University has a graduation requirement for sustainability courses. This is very important. It is more crucial for a student to learn about what is happening in the world rather than sitting in a class hearing about something they do not care or will never use. One way to get people to be involved is to incentivize them. These colleges that are taking part in this change are big influences to many other places and should carry on with what they are doing. With more college campuses doing this, there would a drastic change of the amount of people recycling and a decrease in the number of recyclables thrown away.  

Image result for recycling
Image from How to Recycle Website

Recycle mania:

Many schools participate in this organization and the more schools that participate, the more reusable materials being recycled. “Over an 8-week period each spring, colleges across the United States and Canada report the amount of recycling and trash collected each week and are in turn ranked in various categories based on who recycles the most on a per capita basis, as well as which schools have the best recycling rate as a percentage of total waste and which schools generate the least amount of combined trash and recycling.  With each week’s updated ranking, participating schools follow their performance against other colleges and use the results to rally their campus to reduce and recycle more” (Recyclemania). Winning schools receive an award made out of recyclable materials, and win the right to host that category’s special traveling trophy for the coming year. Over 1,000 colleges have competed in this non-profit organization. This nationwide program has increased recycling by 70%.

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Image from Recyclemania Website

College Curriculum:

Gettysburg does not offer many classes related to recycling and sustainability as an option or requirement. In order for some change to happen, there may have to be a change in the curriculum. Whether it means taking out a current graduation requirement for all students, or adding it to the rest of them, there should be sustainability and recycling courses. There are many different colleges that offer these courses but do not make it mandatory. Colorado State offers courses in greenhouse gas management, life cycle assessment, and climate change impact with a Carbon Management certificate option available. While this may spark something, the goal is to make it last.


Numerous universities offer organizations that help the local area for sustainability. For example, at Harvard, there was a program that promoted recycling for students called the Resource Efficiency Program. In this program, students educate their peers on issues such as energy, waste, water, food, and more through fun, personal, community-building events, competitions, and campaigns. Gettysburg has an organization that focuses on sustainability called The Gettysburg College Environmental Concerns Organization (G.E.C.O.). This club focuses on campus and community sustainability projects, environmental advocacy and awareness campaigns, and environmental restoration projects.

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Image from Harvard’s Sustainability Website

Links to other Colleges: This link talks about the top 11 colleges that are running the game when it comes to recycling. They provide programs and organizations that many people are apart of which increases their sustainability. This link talks about the state of Connecticut and what they do towards recycling. They also go in great detail about the main schools that are providing programs.

For more specifics and information, read my research paper below.

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