Incorporation of Sustainability into College Curriculums

What is the importance of sustainability in curriculums? Many colleges and universities are changing their academic curricula to better prepare their students by incorporating sustainability into their current and future courses. The Australia Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority explained the need for this type of education because it “develops the knowledge, skills, values, and world-views…

The Vegan Regimen: Transforming Dietary Habits on College Campuses

The Health Benefits of Plants Nutritional experts across the international community corroborate that a well-balanced, vegetarian diet – consisting of whole grains, vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts and seeds – supports the physical demands of elite athletes, providing health benefits as well. Vegetarian diets can improve cardiovascular endurance and exercise recovery by concentrating in optimal nutrients.…

Sustainability on Campus:              Composting

Sustainability on Campus: Composting

“One-third of all food produced for human consumption in the world is never eaten”. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations A significant strategy for meeting sustainability goals and demonstrating the ethic of “full cycle recycling” has become food waste collection and composting on university campuses. An on-campus compost system offers the perfect opportunity…

Recycling on Campus

Students in colleges and universities are demanding steps on climate change. This includes creating more sustainable campuses. Campuses around the United States are implementing successful recycling programs. Gettysburg College has taken steps to become more environmentally conscious, but changes in aspects such as recycling can be useful and productive if welcomed into the campus recycling…

Education on Sustainability

Unfortunately, the convenience of sustainability has gone down throughout the years. People in the world go through their everyday lives without thinking much of it because it is easier to not. People should be knowledgeable about what needs to be done but faculty and staff should take some sort of responsibility on campuses. This could be through their curriculum or just…

College Campuses Go Local

In a world where the easier the better, using big corporate businesses as a means of food for dining halls at college campuses across the nation has become the norm. In an effort to become more sustainable, colleges across the country are implementing programs, challenges, and changes. More specifically, the move to eating locally is…

Retrofitting College Campuses

By: Kelly O’Connor             Buildings at colleges and universities that are already in place that want to become more sustainable have used retrofitting to their advantage. Retrofitting is “the process of addition of new features to older buildings”. Older buildings in colleges that do not meet sustainability standards decide to add sustainable features instead of…

Sustainability Advisory Board at Gettysburg College

In order to enforce effective sustainable actions, many colleges hire employees who specialize in sustainability, and create a sustainability committee to oversee the university’s efforts. At Gettysburg College, however, an office of sustainability does not exist at the administrative level. The lack of a sustainability committee inhibits sustainable development on campus. Compared to individual students,…
